Alpha Course - Explore life, faith and meaning

What is an AlphaCourse?

Alpha is a course for those who want to join a curious conversation about life, faith and meaning. It is a community where we value both social interaction and respectful dialogue. In this way, there is room for each of us to share our questions and views and learn from each other.

Who is it for?

Alpha is especially for those who may not know much about Christianity, but would love to know more. Over ten Tuesdays and one Saturday, we will explore questions such as ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘What does it mean to believe? No prior knowledge is required, so either come yourself or bring a good friend or colleague.

Course content

We start each evening by having dinner together. Then we will watch a video presentation of about 20 minutes. Based on the presentation and each evening's theme, we will end with a conversation in small groups.

Further information

by AlphaCourse leader Morten Legarth, phone +45 28 91 22 65 or e-mail:



  Alpha Course