Church office opening hours

Tuesday:  9:30 - 13:00
Wednesday: : 9:30 - 13:00
Thursday: 9:30 - 15:00
Friday by appointment





Church office

Sankt Hans Plads 1 
5000 Odense C
Tlf. 91 17 43 88

Send secure email to the church -
click on HERE




The church is open
for visitors:

Every day (except Saturday when it is closed) from 10:00 - 15:00

You can take a virtual tour of the church by clicking on HERE

Præsten Peter

Peter Ø. Jacobsen

Parish priest in charge of church records

Telefon +45 51 30 19 70


Præsten Erik

Erik E.D. Hansen

Parish priest

Telefon: + 45 51 35 95 15