Conversation with a pastor

In connection with church ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and funerals, there is almost always a conversation with the priest who will perform the ceremony. The interview takes place in the church, at the priest's home or the priest may visit you. During the conversation, the priest will explain what is happening in the church and agree on which hymns will be sung.

There doesn't have to be an external reason for you to book a conversation with a priest. Pastors are ‘counsellors’, which means that you can talk to a pastor about anything that is bothering you in one way or another.

It doesn't have to be religious issues that you come to the priest with, but of course it can be.

You can also ask the priest for a ‘confessional conversation’, which may lead to the confession of sins in church.

Priests have an unconditional duty of confidentiality, so there is no need to fear that you will ‘talk over yourself’ to a priest.

You can find contact information for the priests by clicking HERE.

You can also find ‘Pastoral Care Online’

It is the Church of Denmark's digital online service for anyone who wants a counselling session, which is a confidential conversation with a priest/counsellor. Soul Care Online is mobile in the sense that if you have your digital tablet, smartphone, computer or iPad at hand, you can click on Sjæ during opening hours to chat with a priest from anywhere, on the street, on the bus, on the train, at work, in the hospital bed and from your home. You don't need to book an appointment with the chaplain or turn up in person, just log on to the website sjæ to get in touch.

If you're wondering what you can do with pastoral care, listening to some podcasts might help. You can find them by clicking on