Messy Church - Mess in St Hans Church

The second Wednesday of every month


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Welcome to a different way of being church. It's messy,
it might be a little noisy, but you can come as you are and
with the whole family. It's cosy, fun, crazy, gooey, full of
of meaning - and you'll be home for bedtime again!


16.30: Drop-in: relax, network and socialise.
17.00: Activity: Creative, messy, inspiring and fun little workshops with meaning for the WHOLE family.
17:45: Bible story: short, relevant and child-friendly church service with lively singing in our beautiful church space.
18.00: Communal meal - food will be prepared and served,

Price: DKK 45 per adult - children are free

For further information, please contact church cultural officer
Thomas Lindbock
Tel. +45 23 37 02 50


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