
Baptism is the greatest gift you can give your child.

It is rooted in important words from Jesus such as:
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Bible, Mark 16:15-16).

If you have already made the decision to baptize your child, here is some practical advice.
If you are an adult and have not been baptized, you are welcome to contact the pastor for a conversation.

The date of baptism is agreed with the church office.


In connection with baptism, the names and addresses of at least 2 godparents and a maximum of 5 must be provided.

Who can be a godparent?

Anyone who has been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This means all Christians, regardless of which Christian church they belong to. However, according to the rules for godparents, you must be at least the normal age of confirmation in order to be a godparent.


People who have resigned from the National Church or converted to another faith can also be godparents if they have been baptized. The reason for this is that baptism is a sacrament, that is, it is holy and instituted by God, and therefore you can never take back your baptism, be unbaptized. Once baptized, always baptized.


The rest of the necessary arrangements are made with the priest who will perform the baptism.
At baptism, the child becomes a member of the Danish National Church.



Saturday baptism.

We believe that baptism belongs in the context of the corporate worship of the church on Sundays. Therefore, we suggest that you take advantage of that first. If you live in St. Hans Parish or have a connection to the parish (have lived in the parish before). This applies regardless of how long you have lived in the congregation or have close relatives living in the congregation (parents, siblings, or children)), you are also entitled to worship on Saturdays. We have set aside one Saturday per quarter to provide this opportunity.

We offer Saturday baptisms on the first Saturday in August, November, February, and the second Saturday in May.


Watch a video about it:


What is baptism - Click HERE

How can a baptism take place - Click HERE


If you as parents have decided on baptism, or are in doubt, see and listen to other parents' thoughts on baptism” - Click HERE

Please note,

the child must have a name before the child is 6 months old.

If the child is not to be baptized, or is baptized when it is older than 6 months, you must name the child yourself at

For further information, contact the church office on telephone number +45 91 17 43 88