
Confirmation is the church ritual that marks the transition between childhood and youth. Confirmation means that God confirms the promise to be with you that he made when you were baptised.

Preparation for confirmation

Confirmation is an offer for everyone in 7th grade. It is completely voluntary whether you want to be confirmed, and the decision is best made together with your family.

To be confirmed, you must first attend confirmation preparation. Here you learn about Christianity and talk to the priest and your friends about life's big questions.

Confirmation in St Hans Church.

In St Hans Church there is a tradition for students from two private schools to be confirmed.


Marie Jørgensen School is confirmed on the first Sunday in May

The student attends confirmation preparation with their class in the parish hall next to the school on Thursday.


Ballet School is confirmed on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May

The student attends confirmation preparation with their class in the parish hall, Sankt Hans Plads 1, 5000 Odense C, on Wednesdays


Children from the parish have the opportunity to be confirmed on the last Sunday in April.


The student typically attends confirmation preparation with their class in the parish where you live, but is confirmed in St Hans Church

