
In the event of death, a doctor examines the deceased and writes a death certificate. The doctor then reports the death to CPR

Funeral and burial request

The next of kin can request a funeral or burial from the funeral authority, i.e. the church office in the parish where the deceased resided. This must be done as soon as possible after the death and is done at

Most people first contact a funeral director, who will then take care of the practicalities - including entering the information into

If the deceased was a member of the Church of Denmark, the relatives speak to the priest who will conduct the funeral or funeral service. The course of the funeral/funeral service and choice of hymn are agreed here.


Spreading ash over the open sea

With the form ‘Spreading Ashes over open sea’ you can notify us that you want your ashes to be spread over open sea in due course.
Click HERE to see the form

You need to know:

The ash must be spread over open water, i.e. over the sea or over large fjords or bays.
It is not permitted to scatter the ashes over a lake.
It is not permitted to lower an urn with ashes into the sea.
It is not permitted to store an urn containing the ashes of a deceased person in the home.
Scattering the ashes of the deceased must be carried out in a decent manner, including that the action is carried out in a way that does not cause a stir.

What do you do with the form?

Fill out and sign the form
Include it with your other documents that the next of kin will need in connection with the death.
When the next of kin request burial/cremation in connection with the death, the form must be attached to the request.


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