Parish ribbon solution

As a member of the Danish National Church, you generally belong to the parish in which you live. However, you can join a priest in another parish by loosening your parish ties. By loosening your parish ties, you gain the right to be served by the priest you have loosened your parish ties with.

If you wish to dissolve your parish ties, you must contact the priest you wish to join. Under ‘contact’ you can send a secure email to the priest you wish to unbind to. The request to loosen parish ties must be accompanied by information about name, social security number and address. If the priest requests it, you must provide a reason for the request to release parish ties.

When you dissolve parish ties, you can also decide to transfer your right to vote for the parish council to the new parish.

A priest is not obliged to accept a member of the National Church as a parish council member if the priest finds that it would be contrary to the considerations that the priest must take for himself or for the parish community where the priest is employed. If the pastor refuses a request to loosen parish ties, the refusal must be in writing and the person who has been refused may appeal to the bishop, whose decision is final.

The binding of parish ties ends when the priest to whom you have released parish ties moves to another ministry, is dismissed or dies.