Wedding and church blessing

Everyone is welcome to be married or blessed in St Hans Church,


if at least one of you lives in the parish, one of you is a member of the Danish People's Church or you are otherwise connected to the parish. (Lived in the parish, baptised or confirmed in the church or have close relatives living in the parish)

If two same-sex couples wish to marry in St Hans Church, the priests will find a colleague who can participate. For theological reasons, the church's own priests do not participate themselves.

The date of the wedding is agreed with the church office


3 months before the wedding apply for a marriage licence at You both need to fill out a marriage certificate so that the municipality can check whether you fulfil the conditions for marriage. When you receive a test certificate back from the municipality, it must be handed in/sent to the church office. The church office will also need the names and addresses of 2 witnesses who will be present at the ceremony.

Before the ceremony, you must have a conversation with the priest who will perform the ceremony, where you go through the wedding ritual and choose hymns, among other things.


Church blessing

If you have already been married at the town hall, you can get a church blessing. The ritual for the ecclesiastical blessing is similar to the marriage ritual.

Decorating the church

Any decoration of the church is arranged with our church servants.
You can find their contact details by clicking on HER


You can take as many photos as you want when the bride is brought in and when the couple leaves.

During the ceremony, photographers are not allowed to move around the church. You can take photos from your seat - otherwise not.

After the ceremony, you are welcome to take photos in the church.

If you have a photographer with you, they must contact the priest before the ceremony so that you have agreed on expectations.


Name change on your wedding day

If you want to change your name on your wedding day, you must apply for it at It is free to get a name change in connection with a marriage if you have a form of joint names.

For further information

Call the church office: +45 91 17 43 88
Mail to the church office: