PREP - a communication course for couples

HELP to focus on relationships

Creating good relationships and safe families is a big wish for most people.
As a church, we want to support this, which is why St Hans Church organises PREP courses twice a year.

At a PREP course, you can find inspiration on how to give love good growth conditions in a busy everyday life. Falling in love came naturally, but love must be nurtured.

What is PREP?

PREP is a preventive and relationship-building course.
It is neither group work nor traditional couples therapy.
In the PREP course, you only work with your partner and don't need to share your personal relationships with others


PREP is an educational course that:

  • provides concrete tools for safe communication and problem solving
  • is based on research into what promotes and what inhibits a good relationship.
  • The course focuses on themes such as love, communication, sex, safety and reconciliation.
Why take a PREP parking course
  • Because you can learn how to communicate appropriately
  • Because children benefit from parents setting aside time to nurture and develop their relationship
  • Because love is a mutable thing that can grow and thrive when you work on it togetherHvem er PREP for

PREP is for couples of all ages and stages of life who want to work on their relationship.
Newly established couples can be inspired to create good communication habits.
Couples who have lived together for a longer period of time can get help to break bad communication patterns or get inspiration to further develop the good in their relationship.


PREP was developed based on more than 30 years of research at Denver University, Colorado. The course has a proven track record and is offered in many countries.

You can read more at, the providers of the PREP courses in Denmark


PREP stands for Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Programme - in Danish it is called Praktiske Redskaber til et Engageret Parforhold.


Practical information

The course is held in Sankt Hans Church's Parish Hall
Sankt Hans Plads 1
5000 Odense C, Denmark

The course leader is Edel Juul Nielsen - church cultural worker at Sankt Hans Church and certified PREP course leader.

Other trainers on the courses: Psychologist Mikkel Lindeskov, Nurse Birgit Muff Pedersen


Image courtesy of Centre for Family Development -